Tuesday, August 19, 2008


last weekend was filled with birthdays.
happy birthday to ben, erin, chuck and dave. hope all your birthdays were great....

Sunday, July 27, 2008

steph and amy eating some spam for lunch.
steph on resident evil.

back in march a group of us went to joe's valley, utah and there is talk of another trip over thanksgiving. here are some pictures to remind people how cool joe's is and get you excited for the next trip.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

flann sends bierstadt

the flannimal strikes again, sending bierstadt at mt. evans and also making quick work on tommys and revenge in the park.

she also just turned sweet 16 on july 16th, so happy birthday.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

more hueco

here foster is on a must do v5 called dragonfly.

hueco has some of the coolest features. foster is on moonshine roof, which feels like you are on a surf board.
foster getting high warming up on the small potatoes.
we miss the foster and can not wait till she is all better and climbing with us again. we wish you a fast recovery.

Monday, July 7, 2008

a group of us went to heuco in dec/jan for some great climbing. here are some photos to help people get excited for the next trip.
here is fiona on the best v2 in the park called nobody here gets out alive.

lisa is on baby martini, which is the top part of left martini.

rylan is getting alittle to friendly with uncle kevin.

here ben gets his yoga on after topping out the boulder.

steph is about to get on the melon patch, the best v0 in the park, if not the world.

steph is pullin down strong on better eat your wheaties. she came very close to sending, but we had a hard time getting tours for to really give it more tries. next time.

flann on a fun v3 called name dropper. she really needs to be careful, i dont think she has enough pads.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


this last week was filled with trips to mt. evans with progress being made on projects and a lot of fun times.

here flann and steph are looking sick strong on their progject. i think they will be sending this summer.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

What's this!?! Actual climbing?

Thanks to everyone who went out to Joe's last week and made it an awesome trip. I had so much fun climbing on new rock, practicing my left-handed throws, and roughing it at the Village Inn. Can't wait to go back and unleash the Small One. Watch out Utards.

The elusive Mama Bear in her natural element... cranking.

Wholesome Fuel

This may be a regional anomaly, but last
Monday I bought a gallon of milk for $3.29,
then ten minutes later filled my gas tank
for — you guessed it — $3.29 a gallon.
Where’s Rod Serling?

The Top 10 Effects of Gas
and Milk Costing the Same

10> When you read this list you shoot hi-test premium out of your nose.

9> OK, let’s see you make your damn holey cheese from curdled motor fuel! Can’t do it, can you? HA! Bastards. I hate Switzerland.

8> STP Octane Boost and Nestle’s Quik essentially become the same thing.

7> Dairy farmers are looking into converting their cows to diesel in order to score that extra buck a gallon.

6> When you siphon gas from co-workers’ tanks during your break, you now use a rubber nipple.

5> Udder-equipped tanker trucks.

4> Dramatic increase in drive-off milkings.

3> More and more parents trading in their milk-guzzler kids for more beverage-efficient models.

2> Dairy farmers band together to form OMEC and build themselves extravagant palaces.

and the Number 1 Effect of Gas and Milk Costing the Same …

1> Hours of mirth watching dumb guys try to get that nipple to reach the gas tank opening.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Sandwich

Sandwiches are a depressing food. I think you will agree with me when I say that the best part of a well made sandwich is directly in the middle, equidistant from all crusts. You should also agree with me when I say the crusts are routinely the worst part of the sandwich. Unfortunately, the crust is always the last part ingested, therefore the last memory of the meal. If it weren't for the supreme portability of the sandwich I feel they would be shunned by the general population.

So let us come together to declare an ultimatum to our 'friends' the sandwich companies: Make your crusts tastier or we will stop 'enjoying' your product.

Monday, March 17, 2008

All we need is a never-ending supply of glitter!

Remedy for a bruised L7

1. Lie down on back, bring knees to chest.
2. Apply large Osteoquack onto knees.
3. Have Osteoquack perform reacharound in order to firmly grasp buttocks.
4. Try to fight Osteoquack off with knees.
5. Remember to breathe.

Sunday, March 16, 2008